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Starting university can be very stressful, especially if you need to move away from your home and family. Use our hacks to make your new room your new favourite place. 

Tip 1: Have a dedicated workspace

It's never a good idea to work from your bed. You need a nice desk that's homey and inviting - it simply boosts your motivation.


Tip 2: Make your room uniquely yours

Make your room yours with home accessories that show your personality. You'll love coming home to your cosy sanctuary after a long day (and even writing those essays will come easier).


Tip 3: Have multifunctional furniture

Furniture can serve more than one purpose. A nice storage footstool will not only make sitting hours on your sofa binge-watching Netflix more comfortable but can serve as extra seating when you have friends over. Plus, you can just stash away any items to keep your room tidy.


Tip 4: Invest in your sleep

Don't buy the myth that your body gets used to less sleep. Your brain needs to rest. And it's not just duration that matters - you need quality sleep so investing in a good mattress should never be underestimated. Plus, a quality one will serve you for many years to come.


Tip 5: Have greenery around

Don't give up on having plants around just because you don't have a green thumb or enough sunlight hitting your room. Artificial plants and flowers are very life-like these days. They'll brighten up your space and add so much character. They don't need much maintenance, won't wilt and will always look happy year after year. Also, you won't need to worry leaving them behind when those hard-earned summer holidays come.

It's super important to make your new place your home away from home. Feeling well in your new space will have a huge impact on your motivation and studying. We hope that our tips help you achieve this.

Enjoy your new home!

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